Thursday, April 20, 2017

lose/ lost/ loose/ loss 點分?

1. They always lose their pens at school.

lose (verb) 係 "搵唔到"

2. Kate lost her glasses, and now she can’t see.

lost 係 lose 嘅過去式

3.My grandpa was a great man. It was a big loss for the whole family when he passed away.

loss (noun) 係損失/喪失嘅意思

4.Be careful! Your shoelaces are loose. You might fall.

loose (adj.) 係鬆左嘅意思, 但佢都可以係一個verb, 有整鬆佢/放鬆佢嘅意思,

Let the dog loose! He wants to run around.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Common Writing Mistakes

I ensure you the product are of highest quality.
當你想講向....保證, 要用assure 

I want you to send me the files right now.
Grammar 係冇錯, 但係如果係工作email就好冇禮貌, 你可以用Could you....?/Please....

Our headquarter is located in Central.
當講緊總部 (noun), 係headquarters, 冇左"s"就會變左verb, 意思就會變左 將總部設在..., 所以正確係"headquarters"

Our staffs have been trained for over a year.
staff本身已經係plural, 唔可以加"s"

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


receipt       KK (UK): /rɪˈsiːt/
Can I have the receipt please?
receipt 成日都有人讀錯係因為個"p" 係唔發音, 好多人都讀左"re-sip" 但其實係 "re-sit"


fasten     KK (UK): /ˈfɑː.sən/

Please fasten your seat belt. 
個"t"唔發音所以唔係"fast-ten" 而係"faa-san"

subtle     KK (UK):/ˈsʌt.əl/
There is a subtle difference between them.
個"b"唔發音所以唔係" sub-tle" 而係 "su-tle" ("su" as in "suck")

Aisle    KK (UK): /aɪl/
The apple juice should be on aisle 4.
個"s"唔發音所以唔係" i-sal" 而係"i-elt" (似 IELTS冇左"s")  


強制性公積金計劃 (Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes),簡稱強積金或MPF)由2000年12月開始,不知不覺都16年啦, 你地有幾耐。。。。或者有無睇過裡面D 錢錢有幾多. 有無人曾經調配過裡面D 投資組合呢?。 不過某D terms 你應該要識:

自願性供款 (Voluntary Contribution)
供款帳戶 (Contribution Account)
持續成本列表 (On-going Cost Illustration (OCI))
累算權益 (Accrued Benefits)
基金轉換 (Fund Switching)
付款結算書 (Remittance Statement)

"I am done with..." 有咩意思?

好多公司係有"開會文化" 一日可以開4,5個會. 若果有人問你開完會未, 你英文會點答佢呢? 而你又知唔知, 同一句說話, 若果配合上你表情同語氣, 會令對方誤解咗你, 以為你話 "我以後唔想再開會" 呢?

想祝同事前程似錦係we wish you success定succeed? 成日見到好多人將succeed 同 success攪亂!

I wish you success. Success要係noun, 因為句子已經有"wish" 依個verb.
adj. 都可以: I wish you to be successful.

"Water" 去形容狀況

你又有無聽過外國人講野會用 "Water" 去形容一D狀況?

A Deep Water (水深火熱嘅情況)
A number of customers have taken legal action against our company – we’re really in deep water now.

In Hot Water (處於困境, 而將會人責罵)
Jason borrowed his boss’s watch and then lost it – he’s gonna be in hot water when his boss finds out!

Dead in the water (胎死腹中, 黎緊都無咩可能成功)
Unfortunately the QC program is dead in the water. There’s no budget in 2017.

Image result for Hot water gif

"Fall in Love with" 可以點用 ?



I fall In love with Avocado

I have always been a huge Avocado fan

Image result for huge Avocado fan gif

"Dinner" 應該用 Have 定 Eat ?

What are you doing now?

I’m eating. (我食緊野) 或 I’m eating dinner (我晚飯中). 
比I’m having dinner來得恰當

若果係提及同"晚餐"有關, 如食咩,同邊個、係邊道等, 就會用 have dinner 來表示
👉I had dinner with an old friend.
👉What time do you usually have dinner?

I ate dinner with an old friend.🙅
What time do you usually eat dinner? 🙅
Image result for eating dinner gif

"辦公室戀情" 英文點講?

跟據招聘網站 CareerBuilder 一項調查,美國有近 40% 職場人士都曾經同同事約會過,其中有1/3嘅戀情最終圓滿步入婚姻
辦工室戀情 ~ 唔好直釋Lover in Office🙅, "Office Romance" 或者 "Romance in the workplace" 先係正確

若果你想提醒一個新丁: 喂, 公司唔鼓勵同事有辦工室戀情架! 你可以咁講:

Hey, office romance is frowned upon in this company. (frowned upon ~ 皺眉, 唔多高興)

Office romance is not allowed / is forbidden in this company 若果你咁講, 就代表有明文禁止咁解架!

Image result for office romance gif

"吊頸都要抖下氣" 英文點講?

應該成日係同事把口聽到, 但若果有日成班同事趕咗成日工, 想落樓下抖抖氣, 除咗「Take a Break」仲可以點貼題咁形容下呢?

Take a Break ~ 係形容休息既中性語句,
Respite ~ 從一D好辛苦既情況中得到短暫喘息機會
"Have a brief respite from one's work" 就可以代表係工作之餘要稍作喘息既意思

無論放工去飲杯野又好, 約埋去瘋狂購物都好, 最緊要Work Hard Play Hard

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