Thursday, April 20, 2017

lose/ lost/ loose/ loss 點分?

1. They always lose their pens at school.

lose (verb) 係 "搵唔到"

2. Kate lost her glasses, and now she can’t see.

lost 係 lose 嘅過去式

3.My grandpa was a great man. It was a big loss for the whole family when he passed away.

loss (noun) 係損失/喪失嘅意思

4.Be careful! Your shoelaces are loose. You might fall.

loose (adj.) 係鬆左嘅意思, 但佢都可以係一個verb, 有整鬆佢/放鬆佢嘅意思,

Let the dog loose! He wants to run around.

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