今朝港九新界都好多交通意外! 若果今朝要開會,你要通知對方,除咗用Traffic Jam 之外, 仲可以點講得更到題呢? Bumper to Bumper I am stuck in an awful bumper to bumper traffic. 我塞車塞到郁唔到啊 Gridlock I was in a complete gridlock on the highway. 公路交通嚴重癱瘓, 我塞咗係道 Hold-Up I will arrive late due to a motorway hold-up. 我係高速公路上遇到交通事故(整路), 會遲D到
Calm and Relaxed, Better Breathing, The Sound Effects
但其實深入少少了解, Bathroom Singer 係指: A person whose voice is so hoarsethat he is not fit for singing but who likes singing when he is alone at home. Such a person frequently sings when he is taking a bath in his bathroom. 下次要小心用啦!
"This looks like so much fun" 定 "This looks so much fun" 啱呢😓? 其實兩句都啱, 意思都一樣, 無分邊句形容好玩多D. 而講呢句將個重音放係"So"字就更能突出你個意思啦! 仲有, 我聽過人講 "So Fun", 對住外國人講真係唔會明架! 你可以講 So Funny
Experience tells us that we can't judge a book by its cover, but the fact is that not many of us are able to learn our lesson(經驗話比我地知不可以貌取人,但事實上能夠從經驗吸取教訓嘅人不多)。
但有時候D野未必如你所見的話, 可以咁講 Things may not be what they seem