Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"不要以貌取人" 英文點講?

[ 百物騰貴, 芽菜要一條條賣 ]

¥400一條芽菜有咩咁特別, 望真D原來係玻璃黎架?!? 所以凡事都唔好單憑外表去判斷一件事

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover ~ 不要以貎取人/ 人不可以貎相

Experience tells us that we can't judge a book by its cover, but the fact is that not many of us are able to learn our lesson(經驗話比我地知不可以貌取人,但事實上能夠從經驗吸取教訓人不多)。

但有時候D野未必如你所見的話, 可以咁講 Things may not be what they seem


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